Thursday, July 30, 2015


We finally found out that you are a BOY!!! We are so excited to bring this cute little bundle of joy into our home. 

It was THE most incredible thing to be able to watch him dance on the screen. He was opening and closing his mouth, and sucking on his thumb, and moving his arms like crazy. I am so excited to meet him in January!

Sarah Ross from was kind enough to take our gender announcement pictures. She is soooo talented!! We started the night off with 6 balloons, and ended the night with only 2... the wind did a number haha.

Isn't she incredibly talented!!! Go check her out!!

I am starting to look pregnant. FINALLY!! I only have 2 pairs of pants that fit me, and I bought my first official maternity clothes. Just a cute dress and shirt. I was pretty stoked. It was soooo fun to be able to go shopping with my mom this week and pick up some cute little outfits for the little boy! And, I already have a nursery all designed in my head. Can't wait to actually put it together.

How far along: 16 weeks!
Total weight gain: Still 127 lbs. One pound gained!
Maternity Clothes: Yes:)
Stretch  Marks: Not yet, and hopefully not ever!
Sleep: Pretty dang good, and have been having CRAZY dreams.
Best Moment This Week: Finding out you are a BOY!!
Miss Anything: Riding Horses, and winter
Movement: Nope! I've been trying really hard to feel some butterflies though. Not happening yet.
Food Cravings: Mashed Potatoes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything lemon flavored, protein shakes.
Gender: Boy!!!!!
Labor Signs: Had some Braxton Hicks this week.
Symptoms: Crying spells, constant urge to pee, the occasional migraine, and a tiny bit of nausea when I'm falling asleep. Oh, and I feel like I'm going to pass out every time I stand up.
Happy or Moody: Generally pretty happy, but my patience has gone down the drain.
Looking Forward To: Feeling baby boy move!!

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