Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Charming Lives In My Home

6:00 a.m. I hear the alarm go off. A tired and sleepy husband sluggishly rolls himself out of bed. I cuddle back up in my covers and quickly fall asleep again. His day has already begun. He makes sure to sweetly kiss my cheek and baby bump before he leaves, and with the quiet click of our back door, we part from each others company for the day. My alarm goes off one hour later. I walk into the kitchen to eat my breakfast and find the crumbs from the sandwich he made in a hurry this morning. It makes me smile, and I think about how his day has already been going on for an hour.

His day is going to be so different from mine. It consists of sweating in the hot sun, physically working hard, dealing with unhappy/happy clients, and eating the same bagel sandwich he eats every day. He thrives off of making people happy, and makes sure they are satisfied with the work that he gives them. He is a business man, and every ounce of his day is put to providing for our little family. 

Once his work day is over, his day still goes on. He comes home and continues to make himself available to those who need him. He is selfless with his time and services. He helps the neighbor across the street move a pile of mulch. He secretly mows our land lord's lawn just because he can. He gives his time once a week to be with the 12 year old boys in our church, and he teaches them, loves them, and genuinely cares for them. He visits specific families in our church once a month, and sincerely asks if he can do anything for them. He helps our friends move from their apartment, to their parents home, and then again into their new home. He is the most selfless person I know.

Then he finally comes home to me. I hear his truck pull into the drive, and I meet him at the door where he takes off his stinky shoes and grass filled socks. He embraces me in his arms, kisses my forehead, and gives me the long hug that I needed after my day away from him. We eat dinner and discuss each others day. We watch an episode or two of our favorite Netflix shows, and call it a day where we end up in our bed. He prays for me, and our unborn child and we fall asleep, all to start the same day over again.

The real Prince Charming lives in my home, and he is a babe. 

No, he probably won't ever be on the cover of any magazine, or star in any Channing Tatum movies, and I am honestly grateful for that. I am grateful that he is a real Prince Charming.

Charming can't be measured by rippling muscles, perfect teeth, and a chiseled jaw. (Although, in my opinion my hubby has all three.) Charming can't be measured by how many girls can be picked up on a Friday night. Charming isn't knowing what to say and how to say it all the time. Charming isn't the perfect tempered man. Charming can't be measured by how many likes are on Instagram or Facebook. Charming is much much more. Yes, his attractive looks may have been what caught my attention, but his looks are definitely not what stole my heart. 

Charming is a man who loves Jesus Christ with all his heart. Charming is a man who loyally serves his family, and those around him. Charming is a man who wipes his wife's tears when she is having a bad day. Charming is an imperfect man who occasionally loses his temper, but knows how to say, "I'm sorry." Charming leaves his dirty finger prints on the walls, but does the dishes while you are sleeping. Charming is sensitive, gentle, kind, and loving. Charming is dirty shoes at the front door, and hug and a kiss. Charming is a selfless man who sacrifices his time, effort, and money for those he loves. Charming is a humble prayer pleading with Heavenly Father for help. 

The tabloids and media may sometimes confuse you into believing that Charming is Christian Grey who controls, and persuades you. They may have you confused that Charming is a man with chiseled abs and a perfect 5 o'clock shadow. But let me tell you, the tabloids and media are very, very confused.

I can't forget what the measurements of my real Charming are. He is dedication, love, dignity, and prayers. Real Charming lives in my home, and I bet he lives in your home too. 


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