Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Happy 18 Weeks!! Pregnancy goes by so stinking fast. Hopefully it keeps going fast because I CANNOT wait to meet our little boy!!

Do I look pregnant yet??? 
This week baby's ears have developed! He can finally hear Kent's voice which makes us both very happy. He is the size of a sweet potato, coming in at 8.5 inches. He's starting to pack on the weight, weighing in at a half a pound!

How far along: 18 weeks!
Total weight gain: 129 lbs. Two pound gained!
Maternity Clothes: Occasionally, my fat pants from my chubby sophomore year of high school. Occasionally maternity clothes.
Stretch  Marks: NOPE!:)
Sleep: Really good, and I usually waking up feeling well rested.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling little flutters in my belly this week!!!
Miss Anything: Seriously missing the freedom of riding horses, and sweater weather.
Movement:Yes! No serious kicks, but I have felt little flutters!
Food Cravings: Candy, Candy, candy, and candy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything lemon flavored.
Gender: Boy!!!!!
Labor Signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Crying spells, and the constant urge to pee. 
Happy or Moody: Kind of depressed and the emotional this week....
Looking Forward To:Feeling a real life punch from the little boy!

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