Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Penny For My Thoughts

Thoughts from today:

Thought #1 - Why can't I fall asleep? Since last Friday, I have acquired the inability to sleep in the slightest way. I have had a lot on my mind lately, and I think that is the source of my sudden insomnia. My body, and brain are really starting to break down because of it.

Thought #2 - I am so beyond grateful for the Gift of the Atonement. I mess up everyday, and lately I feel like I have been making more mistakes than usual, and have not been giving Heavenly Father my all. We are so blessed to be able to start fresh everyday.

Thought #3 - In the words of Taylor Swift, why you gotta be so mean? I don't understand why people have to be mean, and throw hurtful mean words. Let's spread love not hate.

Thought # 4 - I love my husband with all my heart and am grateful for the support he is to me. He protects me, and loves me, and hugs me, and makes me laugh and is always on my side. He makes me a better person.

Thought #5 - Sometimes I wish I could be a mermaid... But I hate the ocean so I take that back.

Thought #6 - I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a graphic designer, a grief counselor, an equestrian therapist, a full-time homemaker, a children's author, a florist, a full-time mom, a wildlife photographer, a music producer, a global explorer, and a criminal investigator. BUT I don't want to go to school for any of the above. It's a serious dilemma.

Thought #7 - Whoever thought of the new Gummy Jolly Ranchers needs an award or something. I can't get enough of them. I am seriously craving them right now.

Thought #8 - Sometimes I think I am too hard on myself. I am a people pleaser and I think right now I am trying to please everyone around me and completely forgetting about myself.  I don't know if this sounds selfish or not, but I'm going to just start being myself again, because I like me.

Thought # 9 - Laundry is the bane of my existence. As I sit here writing, there is a pile of laundry staring back at me saying "fold me! put me away!" ooohhh please don't make me.

Thought #10 - I wish I was a wizard like Harry Potter, so that I could wave my wand and all of my laundry would fold itself, and hang itself up. That would make me very happy.

Thought #11 - I was cleaning through my closet today, and found my old song book. They very first song written in it was"I Was Made For Sunny Days". This was my very first song that had ever written. It sums me up perfect. I was made to be happy, and was made to live for sunny days. It was a good reminder of what I live for.

Thought #12 - My last thought for the day is that happiness is a choice. I can't let anyone else define my happiness. I usually am pretty good at leaving my happiness up to me, but this last week I think I have forgotten where my happiness truly comes from. "Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out" ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley. I'm not going to let other people's mean words, or laundry, or stubbed toes, or lack of ice cream determine my happiness.


1 comment:

  1. I'm 28 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. The indecision is killing me. Also, yes to Gummy Jolly Ranchers. And yes to terrible mean people - why they gotta exist? And yes to wizardry and laundry banes. Amen.
