I would not necessarily say that I believe in 'love at first sight' but I DEFINITELY believe that 'infatuation at first sight' can lead very very quickly to love.

My very first Sunday in my very first Young Single Adult Ward, this girl came up to me after church and said (The girls name is Kristine, and she later became one of my very best friends) "I know you have no idea who I am, but I have a super cute brother, and I want to set you up with him." At first I was very taken back by her boldness and was like uhhhhh.... okay? She told me his name was Kent, and showed me his Facebook. After stalking through picture after picture this is what I found:


Yes, please, and thank you! I could not wait to meet this sexy man who loves horses and hunting. It was truly infatuation at first sight.

Apparently, it did not go the same way for him...

The first time that Kent and I physically met was at his apartment. His sister Kristine and I ran over there for just a short second. He said that the first time he saw me I was wearing a camouflage baseball cap pulled so low that he couldn't even see my face, and shredded jeans that were tucked into my very old and dirty cowboy boots. He said that I didn't say more than one word to him the entire 20 minutes that we were together, and he did not think that I was even a little bit attractive.

A couple days later, I got a phone call from him. On September 20, 2013 we went on our very first date. He took me to dinner at Texas Road House, and then to the Nicklecade. It was soooo much fun! He made me so nervous, and I thought that he was the bee's knees. He told me later that our first date was when he realized that I was kind of cute, BUT apparently I still didn't say a word the whole night.. (that's not how I remember it, but whatever).

A couple days went by, and I still hadn't heard from him. I was so bummed because I really thought that sparks had flown, and that a relationship was potentially on the way to forming.

Another week went by, and he finally called to invite me over to watch a movie on a Sunday night. This became a common occurrence. About every Sunday night from the beginning of October, to the middle of December he called me to come over and watch a movie. That was it, we never had meaningful conversations, and never ever spoke in the middle of the week. We just cuddled every Sunday.

During Christmas Break of this same year, he invited me to go ice fishing with him and some of his friends. It was the first time that I felt like we actually connected on a more meaningful level. We caught a lot of fish, and had a really good time.

He started to text me more on a regular basis, and I could NOT stop thinking about him. I wanted to be with him every minute that I possibly could. On December 25, 2013 he called and asked me if  I wanted to go and see Christmas Lights with him. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I knew that he had to like me at least a little bit if he wanted to spend his Christmas night with me. We walked around Temple Square for a little bit, and talked, and talked, and then drove to get hot chocolate. I was almost positive that he was going to kiss me when he dropped me off.
Nope. No kisses. Nothing.

Our first week back to school after Christmas Break, he invited me over to his apartment. He made me a delicious steak dinner, and told me that he really liked me:) However, he was nervous. He said that he had heard from other people that I was a chatty kathy! He wanted to know why the heck I hardly said anything when I was with him.

I remember being so mortified! I literally buried my head into my arms, and sheepishly said "because you intimidate the crap out of me." He just laughed, and told me I was cute. We finished up dinner, and he walked me back to my apartment. He told me he really wanted to see where this relationship may go. GO ME! I did it, I finally broke through.

We became inseparable. We were together every second that we possible could be. On January 24, 2014 he FINALLY kissed me. On March 8, 2014 he told me he loved me. On April 18, 2014, He got off his horse, onto one knee and asked me if I would marry him. Of course I said yes.

3 months later on July 18, 2014 we were married for time and all eternity in the beautiful Draper Temple. 

This was one of the happiest days of my life. The next happiest day of my life was waking up the morning after our wedding next to my Kent, realizing that I get to see his smiling face every morning for the rest of my life. He makes me so stinking happy.

The first year of our marriage was amazing. I learned so much about myself, and I learned so much about Kent. We've grown closer and closer, and fallen deeper and deeper in love. We have had so many fun adventures, and were lucky enough to have a lot of traveling, and hunting trips during that first year.

Well first comes loves, then comes marriage, and then comes.....

We are soooooo excited to begin this next adventure in our life together. Our little Taft is due January 10th, and we can't wait to meet him! I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be able to have Kent as my partner in crime through this crazy thing we call life. I love him more and more everyday, and he loves me more and more everyday. I feel blessed and comforted to know that my Kent will be by my side through thick and then, and every up and down. I love you Kent, and thank you for being you <3

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