Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This week Baby is the size of a russet potato. Baby is starting to use its lungs a little bit by breathing in amniotic fluid. All of baby's organs are done developing, and this point they just need to start growing.

My belly seems like it has pretty much stayed the same the last three weeks. I hear it's just gonna pop one of these days. I'm also freaking out with excitement because next Tuesday we find out if it's a GIRL or a BOY!!!! ahhhhh. I CANNOT wait. 

How far along: 15 weeks!
Total weight gain: Still 126 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Kind of... I've bought two pairs of super stretchy pants that I will be able to wear for quite some time.
Stretch  Marks: Not yet, and hopefully not ever!
Sleep: Last night was my first night of bad sleep for a while. I hope it was just one night.
Best Moment This Week: ummmm...... Having my second OB appointment.
Miss Anything: Riding Horses, and not having a stuffy nose alllllll the time.
Movement: Nope! I've been trying really hard to feel some butterflies though. Not happening yet.
Food Cravings: Snow cones, mayo, sour/gummy candy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything lemon flavored, protein shakes.
Gender: Next week we will know!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Crying spells, constant urge to pee, the occasional migraine, and a tiny bit of nausea when I'm falling asleep. Oh, and I feel like I'm going to pass out every time I stand up.
Happy or Moody: I've been feeling kind of grumpy lately...
Looking Forward To: Finding out if its a girl or boy so I don't have to call it an "it" anymore.

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