Monday, August 08, 2016

Seven Months

Can this really be real life??
I feel like he was born just a month ago, and now he's a whole 7 months old! Life with him just keeps getting better and better.

I'm bummed because life got a little crazy, and I completely missed his 6 month update so here's a little recap, and I'll post some of his 6 month pictures throughout this post. 
-He is rolling literally EVERYWHERE
-started to figure out the army crawl scoot
-babbles like a crazy person
-become obsessed with dogs 
-struggles a little bit with change
-hates being left in a room alone 

Taft and Oakley have become quite the friends. Taft LOVES to play in Oakley's fur. 

Taft went to his first rodeo! He loved it at first, but then he got a little too tired and became the grumpiest little squish ever haha. 

Weight - 18 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 27.5 inches
Diaper Size - probably should be in size 4, but I've got another box of 3's. So when it's gone, he will be in size 4.
Clothing size - 6-9 fits you perfect right now. 

Tafto, Squishy, Tafty, and Squishy Monster take the leads this month. Opa calls you Big Guy (even though I don't think he recognizes that's what he calls you), and Grandy calls you Tafteroni still. 

Taft gets 8 oz. of formula every 4 hours. He drinks it so fast sometimes I worry he is going to get  a tummy ache! Solid food has become an absolute breeze. He eats off of a spoon super easily, and really enjoys the squeezable food packets. It seems to me that his favorite fruit is apples. He always finishes those super fast.

He has been in fantastic health. He started cutting his bottom two teeth this month, and has been extra drooly. But he honestly hasn't had too much to complain about even with his teeth. They have completely cut through at this point, and he seems a little bit happier. 

-LOVES sleeping, in fact he becomes a little monster if he misses a nap.
-loves being tickled by his daddy
-obsessed with TV remotes.... why why why.
-Loves going to Grandy and Opa's house
-loves being snuggled by Uncle Cotton
-Loves watching people 
- Lights up when his daddy walks into the room
- likes reading books... more like likes eating books haha.

-hates rolling himself into a corner and then not able to get out of the corner.
-doesn't like being toted around on my hip. He is much happier if he can just be him on the floor
-hates missing nap time
-hates it when I walk out of the room

-He can sit perfectly in a shopping cart, or high chair by himself
-sits up all by himself
-army crawling like crazy
-gets onto his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, (he will be full on crawling ANYDAY)
-discovered that he can explore the ENTIRE house without my help... (I was NOT ready for this one)
-he will occasionally mimic me! It's adorable. 

Love you so much Squishy Taft!

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