Thursday, June 09, 2016

Five Months

Happy Five Months to my Squishy Taft!
You are getting so stinking big, I can hardly even believe it. You are still just so stinking happy to be alive, and love smiling at everyone you see. 


Swimming is our current favorite activity. You've even big down the big water slide, and giggled the entire way down. Boy am I lucky to be your mama.

We've been camping lots and lots already. You seem to enjoy the campfire the most. We've been to the zoo, and gone on lots of walks. You people watch like nobody's business.

Weight - 18 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 26 inches
Diaper Size - perfectly in size 3
 Clothing Size - 3-6 month is extra snug, but we can make it work. 6-9 month fits you the best right now.

Tafto, Squish, and Squishy Boy are the names that I am pretty sure you will be called for the rest of your life. Sorry dude. Uncle Colton calls you Taftertot, Grandma Free calls you Tafteroni, and as of yesterday Grandpa Free calls you Taftaroo... which I personally think is adorable.

Taft gets 7 - 8 oz of formula every 4 hours. He takes a bottle full of rice cereal really well. We are still struggling with a spoon though. The only food that he will eat easily is prunes (weirdo). Everything else is a pretty big struggle. We are hoping we can figure out this spoon thing really quickly. 

He has been in fantastic health. He got a little bit of a cold a couple weeks ago, and I think he has started teething because he is drooling like a crazy person, and his nose won't stop running. Maybe it's just allergies though haha who really knows.

He is a champion sleeper. He always has been though so I got lucky. I was always that camping would ruin his sleep schedule but it hasn't thus far! He goes down for bed at 8:30 and usually doesn't wake up until 7:00 to 8:00 the next morning. We got lucky lucky lucky. Routine nap times also make or break a happy baby.

-Loves listening to music
-LOVES sleeping
-enjoys bath time
- very very ticklish 
- LOVEES seeing his Uncle Cotton
- Likes reading books
- Loves being in his stroller 

-still hates being on his tummy (but lately he rolls onto his tummy and then gets pissed cause he forgets how to get off)
- hates missing naptime
-hates eating off of a spoon
-still doesn't enjoy being held for long periods of time

- he is rolling like a crazy person both directions and all across the room.
-he can almost sit up for a couple of seconds by himself.
-he giggles and giggle and giggles and giggles.

Love you Tafto oh so much!!

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