Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Eight Months

There's no way my baby is 8 months. Someone pinch me this can't be real life. 

Taft has turned into an absolute busy body. He refuses to hold still for a second. I couldn't even get a decent picture of him this month because he was on the stinking move. Look at this:

Weight - we are guessing about 19 lbs.
Height - he's measuring at 28.5 inches
Diaper Size - size 3
Clothing Size - 12 month, some 18 month stuff fits you too

He will forever be called Squish, and Tafto. Tafty, Squishy Monster, and may other forms of Squishy make there way in there as well. 

We've bumped him up to 9 oz. of formula every 4 hours. He was still acting hungry after just 8 oz. Solids are still a breeze. He is completely obsessed with the Gerber Puffs, and Yogurt Bites. He LOOOOVVVEEES pickles. He LOVES them. He can handle small pieces of just about anything these days. He seems to love pinapple, and snow cones. A boy after his mama's heart haha. 

The poor kid caught another stinking cold this month. It passed rather quickly, but he was not happy there for a little while. His bottom teeth have completely cut through, and I'm pretty sure he has started cutting some top teeth. They seem to be bothering him lately. 

-Not only does he love sleeping, he desperately needs it. We can't make it through the day without at least 2 naps
-Loves pickles
-Loves being held by his mom
-loves being snuggled by Uncle Cotton
-Loves going to Grandy and Opa's house
-Loves sitting around a campfire
-Seems to enjoy being sung to
-Likes playing the piano
-loves his little baby carrier thingy
- loves people watching

-Hates not being to pull himself up onto things
-when mom walks out of the room, or puts him down
-hates falling and bonking his head
-hates when I take his pickles away
-hates getting his face wiped, like he throws a temper tantrum
- throws a tantrum if I take something away he's not supposed to have

-pulls himself up to everything: the piano, the couch, the TV stand, your leg, you name it
-perfectly Hands and Knee Crawls
- Started to cruise the couches in very small amounts
-mimics mom and dad.


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