Monday, November 07, 2016

TEN Months

Mamas.... hold your babies close, because it's true! They grow up MUCH too quickly.
Taft is TEN MONTHS OLD!! I'm crying on the inside, but so excited on the outside because he is learning and growing so much. It's absolutely incredible what they learn in just a short year. 

Taft is absolutely fearless. He is independent, busy busy busy, and smart. 

He doesn't have much to say, but he sure as heck has a lot to do.

Taft's first Halloween! He is a cowboy, and let me tell ya folks... cutest cowboy I have EVER seen!

Weight - 23 lbs.
Height - 29 inches
Diaper Size - Size 3
Clothing Size - 18 month

Squish... as usual. Taft the Terror has definitely made its way into regularity (especially at church).

Still eating 9 oz. of formula 3 times a day, and gets baby food 3 times a day.  He LOVES loves loves loves loves snack time. Especially the freeze-dried yogurt bites. He still loves pickles. He enjoys sharing mom and dads meal with as well haha. Little stinker. 

I have come to the conclusion that babies just get sick all of the time. He's had two colds in the last month... and by the looks of it, it seems like he's got another one building. He has also cut 2 more teeth in the last month. Two more are trying to cut through as we speak!

-sleep. But who doesnt?
-Grandy and Opa
-People Watching
-opening things, and pulling every last thing out of drawers
-When his daddy comes home

- hates confined spaces
- when I take things away from him
- being told no
- not having moms attention ALL day long

- Has a total of 4 teeth!
- Started clapping
- Wave
- Can stand on his own!! 


Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Eight Months

There's no way my baby is 8 months. Someone pinch me this can't be real life. 

Taft has turned into an absolute busy body. He refuses to hold still for a second. I couldn't even get a decent picture of him this month because he was on the stinking move. Look at this:

Weight - we are guessing about 19 lbs.
Height - he's measuring at 28.5 inches
Diaper Size - size 3
Clothing Size - 12 month, some 18 month stuff fits you too

He will forever be called Squish, and Tafto. Tafty, Squishy Monster, and may other forms of Squishy make there way in there as well. 

We've bumped him up to 9 oz. of formula every 4 hours. He was still acting hungry after just 8 oz. Solids are still a breeze. He is completely obsessed with the Gerber Puffs, and Yogurt Bites. He LOOOOVVVEEES pickles. He LOVES them. He can handle small pieces of just about anything these days. He seems to love pinapple, and snow cones. A boy after his mama's heart haha. 

The poor kid caught another stinking cold this month. It passed rather quickly, but he was not happy there for a little while. His bottom teeth have completely cut through, and I'm pretty sure he has started cutting some top teeth. They seem to be bothering him lately. 

-Not only does he love sleeping, he desperately needs it. We can't make it through the day without at least 2 naps
-Loves pickles
-Loves being held by his mom
-loves being snuggled by Uncle Cotton
-Loves going to Grandy and Opa's house
-Loves sitting around a campfire
-Seems to enjoy being sung to
-Likes playing the piano
-loves his little baby carrier thingy
- loves people watching

-Hates not being to pull himself up onto things
-when mom walks out of the room, or puts him down
-hates falling and bonking his head
-hates when I take his pickles away
-hates getting his face wiped, like he throws a temper tantrum
- throws a tantrum if I take something away he's not supposed to have

-pulls himself up to everything: the piano, the couch, the TV stand, your leg, you name it
-perfectly Hands and Knee Crawls
- Started to cruise the couches in very small amounts
-mimics mom and dad.


Monday, August 08, 2016

Seven Months

Can this really be real life??
I feel like he was born just a month ago, and now he's a whole 7 months old! Life with him just keeps getting better and better.

I'm bummed because life got a little crazy, and I completely missed his 6 month update so here's a little recap, and I'll post some of his 6 month pictures throughout this post. 
-He is rolling literally EVERYWHERE
-started to figure out the army crawl scoot
-babbles like a crazy person
-become obsessed with dogs 
-struggles a little bit with change
-hates being left in a room alone 

Taft and Oakley have become quite the friends. Taft LOVES to play in Oakley's fur. 

Taft went to his first rodeo! He loved it at first, but then he got a little too tired and became the grumpiest little squish ever haha. 

Weight - 18 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 27.5 inches
Diaper Size - probably should be in size 4, but I've got another box of 3's. So when it's gone, he will be in size 4.
Clothing size - 6-9 fits you perfect right now. 

Tafto, Squishy, Tafty, and Squishy Monster take the leads this month. Opa calls you Big Guy (even though I don't think he recognizes that's what he calls you), and Grandy calls you Tafteroni still. 

Taft gets 8 oz. of formula every 4 hours. He drinks it so fast sometimes I worry he is going to get  a tummy ache! Solid food has become an absolute breeze. He eats off of a spoon super easily, and really enjoys the squeezable food packets. It seems to me that his favorite fruit is apples. He always finishes those super fast.

He has been in fantastic health. He started cutting his bottom two teeth this month, and has been extra drooly. But he honestly hasn't had too much to complain about even with his teeth. They have completely cut through at this point, and he seems a little bit happier. 

-LOVES sleeping, in fact he becomes a little monster if he misses a nap.
-loves being tickled by his daddy
-obsessed with TV remotes.... why why why.
-Loves going to Grandy and Opa's house
-loves being snuggled by Uncle Cotton
-Loves watching people 
- Lights up when his daddy walks into the room
- likes reading books... more like likes eating books haha.

-hates rolling himself into a corner and then not able to get out of the corner.
-doesn't like being toted around on my hip. He is much happier if he can just be him on the floor
-hates missing nap time
-hates it when I walk out of the room

-He can sit perfectly in a shopping cart, or high chair by himself
-sits up all by himself
-army crawling like crazy
-gets onto his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, (he will be full on crawling ANYDAY)
-discovered that he can explore the ENTIRE house without my help... (I was NOT ready for this one)
-he will occasionally mimic me! It's adorable. 

Love you so much Squishy Taft!

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Five Months

Happy Five Months to my Squishy Taft!
You are getting so stinking big, I can hardly even believe it. You are still just so stinking happy to be alive, and love smiling at everyone you see. 


Swimming is our current favorite activity. You've even big down the big water slide, and giggled the entire way down. Boy am I lucky to be your mama.

We've been camping lots and lots already. You seem to enjoy the campfire the most. We've been to the zoo, and gone on lots of walks. You people watch like nobody's business.

Weight - 18 lbs. 2 oz.
Height - 26 inches
Diaper Size - perfectly in size 3
 Clothing Size - 3-6 month is extra snug, but we can make it work. 6-9 month fits you the best right now.

Tafto, Squish, and Squishy Boy are the names that I am pretty sure you will be called for the rest of your life. Sorry dude. Uncle Colton calls you Taftertot, Grandma Free calls you Tafteroni, and as of yesterday Grandpa Free calls you Taftaroo... which I personally think is adorable.

Taft gets 7 - 8 oz of formula every 4 hours. He takes a bottle full of rice cereal really well. We are still struggling with a spoon though. The only food that he will eat easily is prunes (weirdo). Everything else is a pretty big struggle. We are hoping we can figure out this spoon thing really quickly. 

He has been in fantastic health. He got a little bit of a cold a couple weeks ago, and I think he has started teething because he is drooling like a crazy person, and his nose won't stop running. Maybe it's just allergies though haha who really knows.

He is a champion sleeper. He always has been though so I got lucky. I was always that camping would ruin his sleep schedule but it hasn't thus far! He goes down for bed at 8:30 and usually doesn't wake up until 7:00 to 8:00 the next morning. We got lucky lucky lucky. Routine nap times also make or break a happy baby.

-Loves listening to music
-LOVES sleeping
-enjoys bath time
- very very ticklish 
- LOVEES seeing his Uncle Cotton
- Likes reading books
- Loves being in his stroller 

-still hates being on his tummy (but lately he rolls onto his tummy and then gets pissed cause he forgets how to get off)
- hates missing naptime
-hates eating off of a spoon
-still doesn't enjoy being held for long periods of time

- he is rolling like a crazy person both directions and all across the room.
-he can almost sit up for a couple of seconds by himself.
-he giggles and giggle and giggles and giggles.

Love you Tafto oh so much!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Four Months

Happy three months to my Tafto!
You get chunkier and chunkier everyday, and have even started to giggle! We rarely see you cry, and loooove spending time with your daddy.

We love you we love you we love you!

We took you swimming and camping for you first time this month. You liked swimming, it was just a little chilly, and camping is now our favorite family activity!

Weight - 15 lbs. 4 oz. 
Height - 26.5 inches
Diaper Size - we are almost into size 3. Probably two more weeks in size 2.

Squishy Boy, and Tafto take the lead this month. Tafters, and Tafftertot are still common at my parents house as well:)

Taft is still drinking about 7 ounces of formula every four hours, AND we have introduced solid food to him. He is a big big fan of bananas so far. He struggles with a spoon a little bit and likes the squeeze pouches better, but we get better at a spoon everyday:)

He is in SUCH good health which has been a HUGE relief for this mama. No more extra doctors appointments this month. His head has already started to round back out. His 4 month check-up went really well. He has a GIGANTIC head (94%) noggin, and is really tall for his age. He got 2 shots, and got a little sick from them, but got over it really quick.

He is still such a good sleeper. Kent and I feel sooooo lucky. His bed time is still 8:30p.m. and he wakes up around 7:00 to 7:30 the next morning. He takes 3 naps a day, 10a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2:00p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and usually a little cat nap from 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lately though, he wont sleep AT ALL unless he is swaddled. 

-Loves listening to Little Einsteins, and being sung to
-Loves reading books
-LOOOOVES his uncle Colton
- Loves getting baths
-Loves it when Dad gets home from work
-Likes getting snuggled
-Loves being swaddled for bed time

-Still hates tummy time, but its okay because he can roll over like a champ now
- Doesn't like cold formula
- Really doesn't enjoy being held for more than 5 minutes
-Hates being put in his car seat. (he's fine once he's in it)

-He can roll over from his tummy to his back, AND his back to his tummy.
-He giggles, and is SUPER SUPER ticklish haha.
-He eats solid food
-Can last in his Bumbo for a whole feeding. 

Love you TAFTO!!