Tuesday, June 23, 2015


First of all.... I can't even believe that I am pregnant. I am so stinking excited to be a mommy to this little peanut that I have already fallen deeply in love with. Look how cute the little thing is!!

It was the most incredible thing to be able to watch it moving around. It was kicking its little legs, and waving its little hands all over. It honestly was a testimony reinforcer. I don't care how science explains the building of a baby. It is an absolute miracle sent from our Father in Heaven. There is no other way to explain how a man and woman could create life. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have had yet!

So, now here's an update on my pregnancy:

11 Weeks
5 Weeks


I can now officially say that my flat stomach no longer exists, and my absolute favorite jeans don't fit me anymore..... I am still internally struggling with the idea of getting fatter, but I know it's all going to be worth it. I feel like I am sorta starting to look kind of pregnant, instead of chubby... but I could be wishful thinking.

How far along: 11 weeks!
Total weight gain: 122 to 124! 2 lbs. in 11 weeks!!
Maternity Clothes: Nope, but my pants are not fitting comfortably anymore... I think its time for a rubber band or Bella Band to keep my pants on.
Stretch  Marks: Nope.
Sleep: Pretty good lately. I've been having CRAZY dreams, but sleeping well.
Best Moment This Week: Watching my cute little bean dance on the ultrasound
Miss Anything: My flat stomach... and my favorite jeans.... AND Diet Coke.
Movement: Nope! I can't wait though.
Food Cravings: Snow cones, mashed potatoes & gravy, JAMBA, and sour candy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sausage, and pepperoni, and the smell of lemons.
Gender: ??
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Morning Sickness that comes around 2:00 p.m, and I have to pee allllll the time.
Happy or Moody: depends on the day, sometimes I cry all day long, and I've been really sensitive lately.
Looking Forward To: Finding out if its a girl or boy!!!

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