Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Well, it's officially my last week in my first trimester... and I have to say I'm pretty stinking excited. It means only 28 more weeks until we get to meet the little peanut!

This week cute little baby is the size of a plum! Most of it's vital organs have been formed, and has reflexes. The cute thing has tiny little finger nails, and a distinct and recognizable profile.

How far along: 12 weeks!
Total weight gain: Still 125 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Nope!
Stretch  Marks: Not yet, and hopefully not ever!
Sleep: Like a rock. Kent says I wake him up all night long making zombie sounds.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling like I am actually starting to look pregnant, instead of just bloated.
Miss Anything: Feeling energized, and DIET COKE!!!
Movement: Nope! I'm soooo excited to feel it though!
Food Cravings: Snow cones, mexican food, and sandwiches (especially subway).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything lemon flavored, the smell of ketchup, and day old campfire smell.
Gender: ??
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Morning sickness simmered down, and happens right before I go to bed, but now I get horrible headaches near migraines, and I feel dizzy all the time.
Happy or Moody: Work makes me grumpy... and I seem to be crying about everything.
Looking Forward To: Finding out if its a girl or boy!!!

Five Things We Miss Out on When We Worry

I could occasionally be considered a worry wart. Call me a woman haha. I have really been starting to stress out about a lot of little/big things. Such as, whether or not I am going to be a good mom to this sweet little baby we are bringing into the world, and how we are going to pay for all the medical bills, and baby needs, and how I am going to continue with school for another 3 years.Yada yada yada yada woe is me.

As I said my morning prayers, I was reminded of this quote from my favorite prophet of all time. I can just here his sweet voice reminding me that I am forgetting to have faith. The Lord doesn't leave us behind. As I pondered throughout the rest of my morning, I really started to realize that worrying doesn't solve anything. In fact, it makes you miss out on a quite a few things. Here are 5 things that I thought of this morning:

1 - Seeing the Good in the Present Day
When we are constantly thinking, and worrying about the future, how are we possibly going to enjoy that day we are living in? Worrying makes it harder to appreciate the little mercies and joys that happen in our day to day lives. Like your favorite cereal being on sale at the grocery store, and you saved a whole $1.75, or a stranger lets you turn left in front of them in a busy intersection simply because they are feeling nice, or your favorite song came on the radio all three of the times you were in the car, or the best part of the day when the man you love most finally comes home from work. Live in the day, and appreciate the little joys.

2 - Peace of Mind
Worrying causes/is stress! I hate stress. It sends my neck and back into all kinds of knots which then turns me into a grumpy wife. We just need to trust the Lord, give life our all, and just like President Hinckley said, we must move forward with faith. Peace of mind, is far far far far better than a back full of muscle knots.  
"Living the gospel does not mean the storms of life will pass us by, but we will be better prepared to face them with serenity and peace. 'Search diligently, pray always, and be believing,' the Lord admonished, 'and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly.'"
--Joseph B. Wirthlin

3 - Gratitude Goes Down the Drain 
Constantly worrying about the little things makes it super easy to take all of the many blessings we have for granted. When we are constantly worrying, there's no more room in our brain to be thankful for the food that we have in our fridges, or the shoes we can put on our feet, and our safety and shelter, or for having the opportunity to get an education, or for the job that you have. Worrying cause selfishness.
 "Gratitude is of the very essence of worship. … When you walk with gratitude, you do not walk with arrogance and conceit and egotism, you walk with a spirit of thanksgiving that is becoming to you and will bless your lives".
--Gordan B Hinckley

4 - Promptings from the Holy Ghost 
When we spend all of our free time worrying, how are we ever going to hear promptings from the Holy Spirit? I feel like he is a pretty important person to be listening to, since he is literally Heavenly Father's messenger. I definitely don't want to let something as silly as worrying get in the way of promptings that I need to hear. 
 "With all the blessings our modern age has given to us, let us not give up the things that promote the workings of the Holy Ghost."
--Neil L. Andersen

5 - Ruined Relationships With People Around You, and With God
Once again, worrying takes up all the spare space in our heads... how do we have the extra time to work on relationships with those around us? Not that I have ruined my relationship with my husband at all, however, I can see how me worrying could lead to an unhappy marriage. He comes home from work. I'm grumpy. I have a gazzillion things on my mind that I have to tell him and make him aware of. I neglect a welcome home kiss, or even a welcome home hug. I neglect asking how his day was and go off on a selfish rant of all the things that either need to be done, or that I am not happy about. How unfair is it to neglect my cute Kent?? How unfair is it to neglect Heavenly Father??? He has blessed me in countless ways. How could I be so selfish to not have faith in him that everything is going to work out.

Well, I'm done worrying, (at least I'm working on being done). Life is stressful, and brings some pretty crazy rides in our direction. But, President Hinckley's words are going to always be in my head. "Don't Worry! The Lord will not forsake us." 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


First of all.... I can't even believe that I am pregnant. I am so stinking excited to be a mommy to this little peanut that I have already fallen deeply in love with. Look how cute the little thing is!!

It was the most incredible thing to be able to watch it moving around. It was kicking its little legs, and waving its little hands all over. It honestly was a testimony reinforcer. I don't care how science explains the building of a baby. It is an absolute miracle sent from our Father in Heaven. There is no other way to explain how a man and woman could create life. It was one of the most incredible experiences I have had yet!

So, now here's an update on my pregnancy:

11 Weeks
5 Weeks


I can now officially say that my flat stomach no longer exists, and my absolute favorite jeans don't fit me anymore..... I am still internally struggling with the idea of getting fatter, but I know it's all going to be worth it. I feel like I am sorta starting to look kind of pregnant, instead of chubby... but I could be wishful thinking.

How far along: 11 weeks!
Total weight gain: 122 to 124! 2 lbs. in 11 weeks!!
Maternity Clothes: Nope, but my pants are not fitting comfortably anymore... I think its time for a rubber band or Bella Band to keep my pants on.
Stretch  Marks: Nope.
Sleep: Pretty good lately. I've been having CRAZY dreams, but sleeping well.
Best Moment This Week: Watching my cute little bean dance on the ultrasound
Miss Anything: My flat stomach... and my favorite jeans.... AND Diet Coke.
Movement: Nope! I can't wait though.
Food Cravings: Snow cones, mashed potatoes & gravy, JAMBA, and sour candy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sausage, and pepperoni, and the smell of lemons.
Gender: ??
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Morning Sickness that comes around 2:00 p.m, and I have to pee allllll the time.
Happy or Moody: depends on the day, sometimes I cry all day long, and I've been really sensitive lately.
Looking Forward To: Finding out if its a girl or boy!!!

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Surviving the First Year

It's no secret that being newly married can be tough. Between learning who your husband truly is, trying to figure out your new role as a wife, and trying to balance time with in-laws, there can be lots of room for mistakes, mean words, roller coaster emotions, AND lots of love. There are times when I want someone to tell me exactly what to do, or tell me what not to do. I sometimes wish there was a written list of things to avoid, or things to expect so that Kent and I could have a perfect and blissful marriage with no disagreements or mean words. However, I am grateful for this first almost year of marriage, and wouldn't change it for anything. So, from one wifey to another, here's my guide to surviving the first year of marriage:

1 - Pray EVERY night together.
Kent and I have missed literally three of our night time prayers since being married, and those misses were because he was at Scout Camp, and without cell-phone service. I know without a doubt that when Kent and I pray at night, Heavenly Father is listening closely to our prayers. There have been times when we were mad at each other, but we still prayed, and do you know what????? After asking Heavenly Father to soften our hearts, and to help us understand each other, he did just that. We started to see each others points of view, and the tension evaded. I also believe it is soooo vital for our spouses to hear us pray for them, and it's important for us to hear our husbands pray for us. I know that when I hear my husband pray for specific needs in my life, such as my work, or for my church calling, it makes me appreciate him so much. It makes me feel as though he really is paying attention, and he really is concerned about the needs that I have. I know that Kent feels the same when I pray for him too.
"Prayer is the passport to peace."
-Thomas S. Monson

2 - Inaugurate Responsibility From the Beginning.
This is something that I wish we had started earlier in our marriage, and I could probably write a whole blog post on. First of all, Kent, if you read this, I love you with allll my heart and I think you are an incredible person:) Men have a completely different way of thinking than we do. For instance, if there is a pile of laundry sitting next to the couch, and we sit down to watch T.V. we are more than likely going to fold the laundry while watching our shows. If a man sits down on the couch next to a pile of laundry, they are more than likely not going to fold it. Now, I don't believe for a second that they intentionally leave the clean laundry to sit there. I truly believe that it's solely because they don't think like woman do, and they truly don't notice that it needs to be folded. I know that Kent appreciates it when the house is clean, however I don't think he truly recognizes what it takes to keep the house clean. That's when we need our loving woman skills to teach them (in a non nagging way) and show them what needs done, and how to scrub a toilet the correct way. I wish from the beginning of our marriage that we had essentially created a job chart. Something along the lines of, Thursday mornings you take the garbage can to the curb, and I'll make sure the dishes are all done. Saturday mornings, you are in charge of scrubbing the bathroom, and I am in charge of scrubbing the kitchen. Mondays, you vacuum the house, and I'll dust all the furniture and fluff the pillows. Whoever is out of bed last in the mornings has to make the bed. If you eat food in the living room, make sure the dishes make it to the dishwasher by the end of the day. We are trying to establish this now, and it's a little harder because we have gotten set in our ways, however I know eventually it will be so worth it, because keeping the house clean should definitely be more than a one person job.

3 - Choose Your Battles Wisely.
Before I bring up anything that is bugging me about Kent, or about life, I think "is it worth hurt feelings?" There will come times in your marriage when things just start bugging you. It could be the hormones talking, it could be that you had a bad day and you just hate the world for no reason, it could be because your frustrated with something little that your husband may or may not be doing. No matter what reasons you may have for being irritated always stop and remind yourself that your husband isn't a bad person, he is not intentionally irritating you, he loves you deeply, and ask yourself if the problem is worth a possible argument and/or hurt feelings. Now, that being said there are definitely times and issues that need to be resolved. If it is an issue that really matters to you, makes you feel bad, or is truly hurting your marriage, than those are absolutely times when you can lovingly express your concern to your husband. But, don't let your crazy hormones start up something that simply just needs a night of sleep to be resolved. 

4 - Genesis 2:24
"A man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." I am pretty sure this is one of the hardest things for every newly-wed. I know for a fact that it was hard for me at first. Your mom, and Dad are your go to problem solver for the first 18 to 20 years of your life. Now all of a sudden you are married, and expected to go to your spouse (that in my case I had dated for a whole six months) for all of my problems and needed advice. It's definitely not that I didn't trust Kent's opinion or advice, it was more of an old habit of "Oh! I don't know what to do... moooommmmmm I need help!" A whole almost year into our marriage and we both still have to work on this commandment. I feel like we have both come a long ways from where we were with this, and we are really starting to feel like our own little intimate family. We discuss our problems and our concerns with our little family, and our Heavenly Father and I love the way that if feels. I know that Kent looks to me for all his problems, and I look to him with mine. Knowing this makes me feel sooo loved to know that he trusts me and my advice.

5 - Have Joined Bank Accounts.
Kent and I had separate bank accounts for the first 5 months of our marriage. In some ways it worked alright, and in others it didn't. We had decided at the beginning that it would work best if my account and all the money in it was for all of the groceries, and my gas. His account and all the money in it was for rent, paying bills, car maintenance, medical bills, house needs, and his gas. Everything got paid, but what happened to all the money that wasn't spent on the above listed? Oh that's right, it became our money for our own spending. We had a hard time saving any money that way because when I had $200 left in my account at the end of the month, it was time to go shopping. In January we finally decided it would be best for us to have joint accounts. I'm pretty sure it was the best financial decision we have made thus far. It's awesome to be able to have someone monitor your spending, and I feel more accountable to Kent. I know that I can't take a stop at the mall to buy a new outfit because Kent will see, and not that he would be mad or disappointed... I just know that's probably not what he would want us to spend our money on when we are trying to save for a new car. Likewise, Kent doesn't buy pizza on Tuesday and Wednesday nights during my piano lessons anymore because he knows that I will see it come out of our account. Accountability is a very good thing in a marriage, and it helps us save money:)

6 - Above All Things, Put Your Spouse.
The second that you become husband and wife, your spouse is instantly put at the top of your importance list. For time and all eternity, (next to God) your spouse is your number one. Your spouse's feelings should even come above your parents feelings, and your spouse's parents feelings. Heck, your spouse's feelings should be coming above your feelings. I think that we sometimes get into the thought that "ohhh, my wife/husband will understand, and she will be quicker to forget and forgive then my family, so I'm going to try to make my family happy first." WRONG. Your spouse is THE MOST important human on this planet. There have been times where I felt I wasn't at the top of the list, and it causes resentment and hurt hurt hurt feelings. If there's one thing that marriage has taught me, it's to be selfless. It's been pretty incredible to watch Kent and I both grow selfless together. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father's hand is in our marriage, and I pray daily that I will be selfless enough to put all of Kent's feelings and needs above mine. I truly believe that you cannot have a healthy and functioning relationship unless your spouse is your number one.
"True love blooms when we care more about another person than we care about ourselves."
-Jeffrey R. Holland

7 - Forgive, Forgive, Forgive.
Like I said previously, your husband is not intentionally being mean, he doesn't want to hurt your feelings, he's not a rude person, and he loves you deeply. No person on this planet is perfect. Not even close to perfect! I know for a fact, I have said and done things that have hurt Kent's feelings, and vis versa. I always think about Heavenly Father, and how he is willing to forgive us for just about any sin as long as we ask for forgiveness and fix our mistakes. How could we be so selfish to not forgive someone, ESPECIALLY your spouse, when Heavenly Father is even willing to forgive. I believe that if you truly love your husband, you will be quicker than a race horse to forgive him.

8 - Nice Words Only Please.
We woman for whatever reason, have a tendency to not always say the nicest things about people. For whatever reasons, gossiping makes us feel like we are bigger, and more in charge than other people. My mom gave me this incredible advice to never ever say anything bad about your husband to anyone. I have tried so hard to apply this advice to my life. I have seen how it has helped my mom and my dad's relationship. I have never heard either of them say anything bad about each other. The reason that this rule should be applied is because eventually, when you only say good things about your husband, you begin to only see good things about your husband. It's kind of like the "you are what you eat" concept. You start to believe, and see what you say.

9 -  Bed Time = Two People.
I'm firm believer that going to bed at the same time is a marriage reinforcer. That five minute cuddle time you can have with your husband right before falling asleep and moving to opposite sides of the bed is a time where you can express your love without words, or really any actions. If you don't go to bed at the same time, one person falls asleep, then the other person has to come in when they are ready and wake them up in order to have a half-hearted "get this prayer over with so I can go back to sleep" prayer. The time right before we fall asleep for Kent and I, is actually the time that we have to deepest, and most heart to heart conversations. Our lives are so busy, it seems like if we are home, the T.V is always on, or we are doing homework. Bedtime is a time where there are no distractions. It's solely a time to express love, appreciation, and a time we can truly listen to each other. It is honestly my favorite part of the day.

10- Love is a Choice.
There will come days in your first year of marriage, when it seems the "honey-moon phase" is over. The wedding pictures aren't as exciting anymore, you've boxed up all the left over wedding decorations that you thought you would use for your home but never did, real life kicks in with work, and school, and church callings, and the love may fizzle in and out. Always try to flirt with your husband like you did on your first date. Keep the romance in the air. Remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. It's completely up to you whether you stay in love or not. Wake up in the morning, and choose to keep falling in love with your husband everyday.

Kent and I have been married for 11 months, and it's hard to believe that we will be celebrating our first anniversary in one month. This year has absolutely flown by. I have learned so much about myself, and about Kent. I know without a doubt that Kent was placed into my life by Heavenly Design. Kent makes me a better person, and I make Kent a better person. In some ways, this first year has been really hard, and in a lot of ways it has been incredibly wonderful. I never thought that I could love Kent more than I did the day that I married him, however I have been proven wrong just about every morning. My love for him grows daily, and he tells me all the time that his love for me grows hourly;)  Although this first year may be tough, you have the opportunity to learn and experience things that you will never be able to ever again. Enjoy each other's company, take spontaneous road trips, make other married couple friends, go to church every Sunday, unconditionally love each other, and just think, you only get one chance at your first year of marriage, so you better make it a good one.


Tuesday, June 02, 2015

21 Questions

Are you named after anyone?
I'm pretty sure that my first name "Malorie" came from the sister in the sitcom Family Ties, however I don't think that my parents will admit it. My middle name Rebecca is a family name. My mom's middle name is Rebecca, my great grandma's middle name is Rebecca, and my great great grandma's name is Rebecca. My first daughter's middle name will be Rebecca to carry on through the generations.

When was the last time you cried?
Sunday..... stupid hormones.

Do you have any kids?
Nope! Not yet anyways:)

Would you be friends with yourself?
Heck yes! I have always made it a personal goal to be the kind of friend that I would want to be friends with. I hope people think of me as a good and trusty friend. However, it might be awkward to be friends with myself, because I'm not a very vocal person, and don't like talking very much so there might be a lot of awkward silent moments.

Are you a sarcastic person?
hmmmm.... this one is hard to answer. I would say in general no. However, I do have moments of sarcastic outbursts.

Would you ever go bungee jumping?
Oh yes, and I would love it. I am a very mild adrenaline junkie. I love going fast, and heights, and roller coasters, anything to get my heart pumping. Bungee jump would be the absolute best. Someday I will do it for sure.

What is your favorite cereal?
Without a doubt Fruity Pebbles. I'm a kid a heart.

What's the first thing you notice about someone?
 I notice people's eyes. I truly believe that eyes are the windows to souls. I think they are beautiful, and all so unique and different.

What's your eye color?
If you ask my husband he will say that my eyes are "mossy river bottom" in other words, they are a blueish, grayish, greenish.

Do you prefer scary movies, or happy endings?
I looooove looove loove love love love scary movies, however I married someone who hates them just as much as I love them, so I sadly don't watch them very often at all anymore. Happy endings are good too, I guess it just depends on what mood I am in.

What's your favorite smell?
I love the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking, but I don't like eating chocolate chip cookies haha.
I also love the smell of Glade's Mediterranean Vanilla wax melts. They make my house smell so yummy. Brown sugar always smells good too.

Do you prefer summer or winter?
I HATE SUMMER. It's too hot, woman are half naked 70% of the time, and I hate sweating. I absolutely love the snow. Sweaters, hoodies, boots, and hot cider are my jam. Plus that's when snowmobiling and ice-fishing happen so it's definitely my favorite.

Would you rather a computer or T.V?
Computer for sure. There's a lot more you can do on it, plus I can watch T.V. on it.

What's the furthest you have been from home?
Jamaica is the furthest I have ever been from home. It was absolutely beautiful, and scary all at the same time. I honestly don't know if I would ever want to go back, but I did get to swim with dolphins there, so that was pretty dang cool.

Do you have any special talents?
I would say that musically, I am pretty talented. However, I am not one of those cool people that is double jointed, or can make cool shapes with there tongue, or turn myself into a pretzel. I'm pretty lame when it comes to those kind of talents.

Where were you born?
This is so stupid, but I can't ever remember. I was either born in Midvale, Murray, or Sugarhouse. I can't remember which one though.

Do you have any hobbies?
Yes, I love anything music, guitar, singing, and piano. I love horses, archery, snowmobiling, fishing, and hunting.

Do you have any pets?
no...... and it makes me so sad. We want a puppy very badly but our landlords won't allow it:(

What's your favorite movie?
I don't have a favorite. I have lots. Any of the Harry Potters are always a winner, anything with Robert Downey Jr. in it (especially Sherlock Holmes). I love Tommy Boy, Hot Rod, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, Lord of the Rings, and Cinderella Story.... just to name a few.

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, just one little brother. His name is Colton, and he is 16. I love him with allllll of my heart.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
 I want to be a graphic designer, a grief counselor, a family and marriage therapist, an equestrian therapist, a full-time homemaker, a children's author, a florist, a full-time mom, a wildlife photographer, a music producer, a National Geographic's journalist, and a criminal psychologist. I can't decide yet;) But, mostly I just want to be a mom.

Now I tag KindlyKristine and IamClaraHeder!
It's your turn!!
