Thursday, April 07, 2016

Three Month

 Happy three months to my Squishy Taft!
You've become quite the chunky monkey, and you are one of the happiest most content babies I have ever met! We feel so lucky to have you.

You've become a smiley little Chatty Cathy, and I fall deeper and deeper into love with you every stinking day<3

 Weight - 13 lbs. 3 oz.
 Height - 24.5 inches
Diaper Size - We are officially into size 2 diapers as of yesterday!

Clothes Size
He's once again in another awkward stage where 0-3 month clothes are too small for him, but the 3-6 months stuff is still too big. It's unbelievable how fast they grow.

Squishy Taft, Squishy Boy, and Tafto are the most common. Kent still calls him Taftomundo, and my parents call him Tafters, Tafteroni, and Tafftertot.

Taft decided that he didn't want to breastfeed anymore so we are exclusively on formula. He drinks 6 to 7 ounces every 4 hours. It has been a huge relief to have stopped nursing. All though I enjoyed it, it is so much more convenient to only have feedings every 4 hours, and to know exactly how much he is eating. Plus, he is much happier on a bottle.

He has been a healthy healthy boy! It's been a relief because last month was not so good. His head has started to go a little flat in the back. I took him into the doctor this week, and he said that it was nothing at all to worry about. He said it will eventually round back out. 

He is such a good boy. We recently changed his sleeping schedule. We put him down at 8:30 in his crib, and he generally doesn't wake up until 8:30 the next morning. This has been such a blessing to have him sleeping completely through the night, and I count my lucky stars that he does!

-He loves being sung to
- Loves playing in his little gym
-Still loves his carseat
-He LOOVES bath time
- Loves going to Grandma and Grandpas house
- Smiles soooo big for Uncle Colton

 -Doesn't like drinking cold formula 
- He HATES tummy time, like hates it. 
He is the happiest baby ever. There really is not much that he doesn't like. Except tummy time. He hates it.

- He rolls over! 
- Sometimes he almost giggles. It's absolutely adorable.
- He can sit in his bumbo for about 20 minutes before he gets too tired.
- He sleeps in his crib like a big boy.

Love you Tafto!

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