Monday, March 07, 2016

Two Months

Happy Two Months Tafto!
This has been some of the best two months of my life. It still feels like it was just yesterday that you first came into this world, yet at the same time I feel like I known you my entire life.

You are getting bigger and chunkier everyday, and I LOVE it. You smile and talk just about the whole day, and you melt mamas heart on a regular basis.

You were blessed on March 6th 2016, and it was such a beautiful day. Your dad gave you the most beautiful blessing, and you were surrounded by people who love you dearly allll day long. 

Weight - 11.4 lbs
Height - 23 3/4 inches
Diaper Size - We are still in size 1. I don't know how long that will last with this chunky monkey

Clothes Size - He is in 0-3 month right now, but he will seriously be too big for them in about two weeks. It's breaking my heart how fast he is growing! My little squish is turning into a big squish!

Squish still takes the lead! I tend to call him Tafto occasionally. Kent calls him Stretch, and Taftomundo. He still gets called Tafters, Tafteroni, and Tafftertot too:)

Nursing is an up and down roller coaster. There are days that it goes really really well, and there are days that it goes horribly. I feel like my milk supply is gradually getting less and less which means he will most likely always be on a bottle here pretty soon. He gets about two bottles a day still. He totally prefers a bottle over nursing. 

I swear we are in the doctors office like every other week! After his one month check-up, he got the worst diaper rash ever. It was a big open sore wound bleeding in his diapers, It was so sad. I finally took him in at 6 weeks, and he had a yeast infection. We got antibiotics for it, and it cleared up nice and quick. Then he had his 2 month appointment and had to get his shots... so sad. Shots are no fun. The doctor said he was a healthy little squish, and sent us on our way. The next week he started getting congested, so I took him in again. He has a cold! He is having a hard time eating because his nose is so stuffy. We are just praying this little cold passes quickly and that it has no effect on his lungs.

Taft is a champion sleeper! He sleeps completely through the night just about every night as of about a week ago. The longest he has gone is 9:30 to 7:30 but on average he goes 9:30 to 6:30, and I count my lucky stars! As soon as this little cold passes and we know he is breathing okay again, he is will be moved to his crib. I cannot wait because he is still sounds like a little bear cub and night with his growling and it keeps me up. 

- He LOOOVES bath time
- He really likes his butt being patted
- His swing
- He still loves 
-Being swaddled for bedtime
- Loves his binky
- Loves being in his car seat

- He does not like being woke up for feedings during the day
- Still hates wet diapers
- He loses it when his binky falls out of his mouth
- When his swing is moving too slow
- He is still soooo content. There really isn't much he doesn't like

- He has become a Chatty Cathy! If you can lock eye contact with him, he will talk and talk and talk. Having conversations with him is one of my favorite pass times:)
- Smiles for days! Especially in the morning. He is the happiest kid EVER right when he wakes up in the morning. It's definitely my favorite part of the day.
-He is a champ at holding his head up now.

Being a mom to Taft is the absolute best. I feel like I have gotten a little piece of Heaven sent to my home. It's incredible to see him grow and grow and grow. Life with him only gets better and better.

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