Wednesday, September 09, 2015


22 Weeks has come and gone in a hurry! 

The little guy is the length of an ear of corn. He is growing his hair, and getting his eyebrows. He weighs just about a pound, and is starting to pack on the baby chub! 

How far along: 22 weeks! 
Total weight gain: 133 lbs. One pound heavier!
Maternity Clothes: I'm at a loss.... Maternity clothes don't fit me, but neither do normal clothes.
Stretch  Marks: Not yet!
Sleep: Hit and miss good and bad nights of sleep. Some are better than others:)
Best Moment This Week: Finding a new place to move into.
Miss Anything: Sweater Weather.  
Movement: Tons, and tons, and tons!
Food Cravings: Candy, and root beer.
Anything making you queasy or sick: J-DAWGS. ew.
Gender: Boy!!!!!
Labor Signs: nope.
Symptoms: Achy back and feet. Crying spells, currently having a hot flash.
Happy or Moody: I've been a roller coasterrrrrrr.
Looking Forward To: Sweater Weather, and fitting into maternity clothes. 

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