Friday, May 13, 2016

Four Months

Happy three months to my Tafto!
You get chunkier and chunkier everyday, and have even started to giggle! We rarely see you cry, and loooove spending time with your daddy.

We love you we love you we love you!

We took you swimming and camping for you first time this month. You liked swimming, it was just a little chilly, and camping is now our favorite family activity!

Weight - 15 lbs. 4 oz. 
Height - 26.5 inches
Diaper Size - we are almost into size 3. Probably two more weeks in size 2.

Squishy Boy, and Tafto take the lead this month. Tafters, and Tafftertot are still common at my parents house as well:)

Taft is still drinking about 7 ounces of formula every four hours, AND we have introduced solid food to him. He is a big big fan of bananas so far. He struggles with a spoon a little bit and likes the squeeze pouches better, but we get better at a spoon everyday:)

He is in SUCH good health which has been a HUGE relief for this mama. No more extra doctors appointments this month. His head has already started to round back out. His 4 month check-up went really well. He has a GIGANTIC head (94%) noggin, and is really tall for his age. He got 2 shots, and got a little sick from them, but got over it really quick.

He is still such a good sleeper. Kent and I feel sooooo lucky. His bed time is still 8:30p.m. and he wakes up around 7:00 to 7:30 the next morning. He takes 3 naps a day, 10a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2:00p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and usually a little cat nap from 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lately though, he wont sleep AT ALL unless he is swaddled. 

-Loves listening to Little Einsteins, and being sung to
-Loves reading books
-LOOOOVES his uncle Colton
- Loves getting baths
-Loves it when Dad gets home from work
-Likes getting snuggled
-Loves being swaddled for bed time

-Still hates tummy time, but its okay because he can roll over like a champ now
- Doesn't like cold formula
- Really doesn't enjoy being held for more than 5 minutes
-Hates being put in his car seat. (he's fine once he's in it)

-He can roll over from his tummy to his back, AND his back to his tummy.
-He giggles, and is SUPER SUPER ticklish haha.
-He eats solid food
-Can last in his Bumbo for a whole feeding. 

Love you TAFTO!!