Monday, February 08, 2016

One Month

Happy One Month to my squishy little Taft!

This month has absolutely flown by. It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. This month has been so much fun. I am one tired, and happy momma!

It has been amazing to watch him grow, and already start to develop his own little personality. Everyday he opens his eyes more and more, and sometimes we think we are going to get a smile from him. Hopefully any day now:)

Weight - About 9.2 lbs
Height - 25 inches
Diaper Size - We are officially into size 1 as of last week

Clothes Size 
He's in this awkward stage where all of his newborn clothes are too small but is his 0-3 month stuff is way too big. I'm looking forward to getting him in his new size, but sooooo sad that he's not quite newborn size anymore. 

Squish, Stretch, Laffy Tafty, Tafto, Taftosaurusrex, Taftomundo, Tafters Tafteroni, and Tafftertot, there seems to be a new one almost everyday haha.

Nursing is going really well. He gets a bottle of formula probably about twice a day. One for a night feed when Kent gets up with him, and occasionally another if we go out with friends or family. (I SUCK at covered nursing.)

The little squish gave us a bit of a scare! When he was born he had to be in the NICU for an extra day because he was having a hard time breathing. When we took him home, everything seemed to be just fine. Over the next 3 weeks, he would have these episodes where he would turn blue and start gasping for air. You could say I was pretty freaked out. I took him to the pediatrician at his 3 week mark, and they wanted us to keep him on oxygen monitors for a week, just to watch and make sure his oxygen wasn't dropping significantly at other times. Well, after a week on the monitors, he hasn't had any more blue episodes, and all the readings on the monitors have been perfect! Praying or little Tafter's lungs finally figured it out! 

On average, Taft sleeps in shifts each lasting about 4 hours during the night. We've had a couple lucky nights where he has gone 6 hours, and those are THE BEST! He is the noisiest sleeper ever! He sounds like a little bear cub all night, growling and groaning. Haha it keeps his momma up all night! 

- Snuggling with his momma and daddy
- He's started loving tummy time
- Being swaddled for bedtime
- His swing
- Snuggles from Grandma and Grandpa
- Loves his binky

- Not a huge fan of bath time (he gets so cold when I wrap him in his towel)
- He doesn't like getting his diaper changed very much
- But he also HATES wet and dirty diapers... it's a struggle
- Honestly he's so content, I don't think there's anything else he really hates right now... yet

- Getting clearance from the doctor to take him home from the hospital was a huge milestone for me. I HATED the hospital and could not wait to get him home.
- When he was 3 weeks old, I finally heard a real life, full fledged, ear piercing cry from the kid. It only lasted about 30 seconds, but at least he finally let out a real cry haha.

I wish I had a photographic memory. I just stare at my little squish and just think about how fast this life is going. I know I say this all the time, but it genuinely makes me sad! I want to freeze Taft the way he is right now so I can enjoy him the way he is just a little bit longer. I don't want to forget those perfect little stork bites, or the way that his legs curl up when he pick him up. I don't want to forget the sounds he makes while he's sleeping, or the way that his tiny hand curls perfectly around my finger. Gah I love my Taft. 

Newborn Photos