Saturday, February 21, 2015

Meeting Miss Malorie

I am on a mission to make the world a happier place. Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like, and celebrating it for everything that it is. I am convinced I am one of the happiest people in the world. My name is Malorie Heder. I was married in the Draper Temple last July to the love of my life, Kent. Kent and I met in a Provo singles ward last year (all thanks to my awesome now sister-in-law Kristine). After our first date, he told his roommates I was too young, and I told my roommates that he didn't have an option... I was marrying him whether he liked it or not. Well, as it shows, I didn't give him much of an option. I finally persuaded him after months of Sunday night cuddle sessions that I was in fact kind of cool. Three months from when we started dating we were engaged, and three months after that we were married for time and all eternity. I love Kent more today than I thought was ever even possible.
I feel like this picture belongs in some sort of fantasy fairy-tale book. Then again I'm a little bias. Call me a cheeseball!
I have a serious passion for music. From the time that I was little my mom and dad had me singing my little heart out. I love playing the guitar, and banjo, and am currently teaching piano lessons to 15 little budding musicians (I have the best job in the world). One of my favorites things in the world is performing in front of people. I absolutely love when people appreciate my music, and when they can feel my music the same way I do. I love singing anything by Ingrid Michaelson, and love listening to country music, especially George Strait... he is the man. 

I love being a homemaker! I never thought I wanted to be the stereotypical "housewife." However, now being married, I love it. I love having dinner ready for Kent when he gets home, and making sure that the house is nice and clean. I have recently rediscovered my relish for sewing. I just adore being home, and making it a place that we can feel the spirit. I love color, and designing. Sometimes I think I want to be an Interior Designer, but then I remember that it requires school... and I don't like school.

I'm always down for anything outdoors. Whether its hunting, archery, or horseback riding, fishing, four-wheeling, snowmobiling, or hiking. I love it. I don't think I could ever move away from Utah, because my fondness of the Uintah's is wayyyy too much. Other than the temple, I don't believe there is a more peaceful place on this Earth. I'm a country girl through and through:)

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all my heart, and don't know where I'd be without it in my life.. but I imagine somewhere crazy and sad. I love climbing trees, and star gazing. I don't like chocolate very much, and would choose Sour Patch Watermelon over chocolate ANY day. I love comedy movies, especially Tommy Boy. I'm not a huge fan of talking about my feelings, but I love being a sound board for people to vent to. I'm borderline obsessed with the Kardashian's.. mostly just because I can't believe that real life people actually live, and act the way that they do. It's hilarious. My favorite animal is a bear because they have the cutest bums on this planet. My whole wardrobe consists of different colored t-shirts, jeans, and boots. I hate dressing up. I think dogs are just as cool as people, and sometimes I love them even more than people. I love spreading happiness, and making people smile. I love living life to the fullest, and making the best out of anything that comes my way. Here's a bear bum to make your day:
Tell me that's not the cutest.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Arise and Come Forth

3 Nephi 9:14  Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me. 

I often wonder what it will be like when Christ comes to the Earth again. I imagine it to be very similar to the story we read in 3 Nephi. There will be treacherous earthquakes, fires, wars, crazy thunderstorms, and a whole lot of other scary stuff. The whole Earth will be covered with darkness for three days. On the third day, the darkness will be broken with a voice saying "Behold, my Beloved in Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name - hear ye him" 

Oh man I hope I am still around to be able to hear those words. Can you imagine the peace that would overcome the Earth simply from hearing the voice of our Father in Heaven? 3 Nephi 11 is when this officially happens. Heavenly Father speaks three times before the Nephites could hear and understand what was being said. That scares the poop out of me. How on planet Earth (literally) could a person not hear Heavenly Father's voice? Verse 5 says that the third time that Heavenly Father spoke, the Nephites "opened their ears to hear it; and their eyes were towards the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards heaven, from whence the sound came." Here's some food for thought, how do we "open our ears and eyes" so that we can feel and hear the spirit of the Lord speaking to us? Hopefully I'll be able to hear His voice the first time.

 Here's me and my mom. She is an incredible woman and example in my life. Not sure what i would do without her.

About a week ago, my mom and I were discussing the Second Coming. It was mentioned that it might be intimidating to meet our Savior. In our mortal life, we know that we will never be even close to perfect. Are we going to feel guilt when we meet our Savior because we know that we have judged others too harshly, or because we didn't give life our 100% all? There's a scripture that says "where much is given, much is required." Heavenly Father has blessed my life abundantly, and in many ways that I know I don't deserve. Have i given all that is required of me? Should I feel guilty when i meet the Savior? 

As my mom and I discussed what meeting the Savior would be like, I was reminded of the woman in the Bible who was being stoned for adultery. The Savior stops the persecutors, and says "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." I can't even imagine how embarrassed and guilty this woman must of felt to be caught in the act of adultery by the Savior. However, the Savior did not guilt her, and dismiss her. He loved her, and taught her. He forgave her, and I imagine he gave her a big hug and told her that everything's going to be okay. 

Back to 3 Nephi: Christ says "Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world." The multitudes fell on his feet, kissed them, and worshiped him. They hugged him, and felt his hand, feet and side wounds. They felt the love that he had for them. Every single person in the multitude had an opportunity to see the Savior with their own eyes. I can't hardly imagine for a second that even one of those Nephites wanted to shy away from the opportunity to meet the Savior, no matter what sins they bore. They wanted to see their Redeemer. They wanted to praise his name and be forgiven. 

I know without a doubt in my mind that when the Savior comes again, that I will not shy away. I will Arise and Come forth falling on His feet and praising His name. I know that when the Savior comes it will be a glorious and redeeming day. I am grateful for such a merciful, and loving Savior. I know that because of him, I will be able to live with my family for time and all eternity. I am grateful for the atonement and for the opportunity that it gives each of us to become clean again, and to build a relationship with our Savior. I know that he lives today, that he loves us, and that he is just a prays distance away from us. I truly cannot wait for the day when I can be reunited with my brother and Savior.
